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Business Directory

This page is dedicated to advertising businesses in your community and raise the profile of your organisation within the DVIS PTFA community. To advertise on this page please contact us at .

DVIS PTFA offers this directory for informational purposes only. Neither the school nor DVIS PTFA specifically endorses or recommends any business listed in the directory.

What’s on

Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.

Your Committee
  • Katie Purser

    Katie Purser

  • Janice Leow

    Janice Leow

Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

Tweets by @dulwichinfants


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To secure your transaction we use Stripe to collect your payment. Stripe are a safer, faster, more secure way to pay online and your financial details are never shared with DVIS PTFA. Stripe use SSL (secure socket layers) which encrypt all the data with 256 bit encryption.

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