What’s On

There are lots of roles to play, from treasurer to class rep to sponsorship to sorting donated uniform to organizing an activity.  Join the DVIS PTFA Community group on Whatsapp to volunteer for different events or contact Katie Purser katiepursercandc@gmail.com if you can help with other PTFA roles! 


Please click here and follow the instructions to request your password be reset. If you are still encountering difficulties, please email with more information and we will verify your registration then reset your password.

There could be many reasons why you didn’t receive an order confirmation email from us.

Firstly, please first check your spam or junk mail folder to check it hasn’t been filtered in there.

Secondly, please ensure you add to your contact list or safe sender / white list.

Finally, if you are using an email service provider such as Hotmail or AOL please be advised that they restrict the volume of messages that can be received from a sender and therefore you should download your tickets from "My Account" section of the DVIS PTFA website.

Yes. Please ensure you print your tickets so they can be scanned on entry to the event. Each ticket has a unique QR code on it which identifies you. We use sophisticated scanning technology which seamlessly synchronises scanned tickets to a central database. This saves on admin, and helps us ensure we are managing event capacity in line with our venue's stipulations.


If you’re a governor, parent, carer or team-member at DVIS, you’re already a member of the PTFA. You’re warmly welcome at all our meetings and events—there are many bite-sized ways to contribute your energy and skills, no matter how much time you have to give! 

Everything we do is entirely volunteer based, supported by a core committee and a handful of class reps for each class. We’re grateful for the involvement of many local businesses who offer us sponsorship and discounts year after year. As we’re a registered charity, our committee members also act as Trustees.

We hold an annual AGM each autumn, where we review finances, vote on roles and funding commitments, and shape a calendar for the year ahead based on the levels of enthusiasm and volunteering :)

For the rest of the year, we meet informally once or twice a term in one of our local pubs, to help keep our activities on track. New faces, voices and ideas are welcome all year round.

For details of our current committee, a calendar of upcoming meetings and events, and ticket sales, join our community group on WhatsApp via your class rep. 

It may be because you're looking at the email on a phone. If you purchased products that showed a QR Code you should have received an order confirmation email from DVIS PTFA using the following email address: .

In the email is a PDF attachment containg all your tickets. Unfortunately, the IOS mail app has issues rendering PDFs so although you can see an attachment icon you cant actually see the PDF. You can download a copy of your tickets from the "My Account" section of the website or alternatively, download the email to another device as youll need to print them off to be scanned on entry.


Items on the school’s wish list vary from year to year, but over the past several years we’ve contributed:

+ Coaches for school field trips

+ Bug club and Mathletics literacy/numeracy learning subscriptions for kids

+ New enrichment and reading books

+ Free flow resources in all years

+ Sports ground for weekly PE lessons

+ Visiting Christmas Pantomime & gift from Santa 

+ Live musician accompaniment for nativity and year 2 performances

+ Plants, garden supplies and pollution-mitigation efforts

+ Sensory/Quiet room resources

+ Resilience workshops for kids, teachers and parents

+ Outdoor play resources like reading houses, wooden boats, mud kitchens, benches and (new for Summer 2019) outdoor handwashing station.

+ Enrichment activities that build links across the diocese & Southwark

+ Teacher development and team-building activities

Our 2017-18 year efforts funded the total replacement of the reception playground surface and renewal of many of the resources there over the summer break, to the tune of 13k. This is a perfect example of the pay-it-forward nature of our PTFA: As well as resources that benefit our own kids immediately, we invest in future generations of DVIS families, just as earlier families invested for us.

As Head, Helen aggregates suggestions and requests from across the school staff, and prioritizes them in an A, B, and C-list that is shared in our September AGM. All attendees at the AGM vote on the prioritization and commitment of “A-list” funds, which we then set about fundraising for. Further votes are held and funds released through the year as we see how we’re doing against targets. 

Funds from previous years are rolled over, enabling us to start writing checks right away in September, if needed. We try to hold 5k in reserve at all times, for emergency requests and to buffer future years’ committees. Our accounts are independently reviewed and submitted to the Charity Commission annually.

+ By using this website to buy tickets or products.

+ By signing up for a short volunteer shift at events you’re already going to - sign up via the WhatsApp group so the organisers know you are going!  And heeding the call for donations of cakes, uniform, prizes, “jingle jars”, and so on.

+ By sharing any skills, contacts, or expertise you may have—whether it’s designing a poster, sourcing products for sale, drumming up raffle prizes, getting matched funding from your employer…

+ By setting up tax-efficient Payroll giving. Many firms offer this ability, contact committee@dvis-ptfa.org.uk for details on how.

+ By shopping at major online retailers through easyfundraising via our unique benefit link [https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/invite/CZW9JN/VCQJCF/]

+ By checking out the ‘crowdfunding’ page on our website to learn about current fundraisers and how you can donate.



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DVIS PTFA, Dulwich Village, London, London, SE21 7AL

Registered with the Charity Commission as 1044321